About Us

As the demand for poultry products continues to grow, the industry faces unprecedented challenges. Manual, labor-intensive processes, such as meat deboning, leave the system susceptible to disruptions like labor shortages and food safety issues. During the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional processing plants struggled to adapt to remote work and maintain safety standards. Cross-contamination risks and food safety recalls further emphasize the need for innovative solutions.

The U.S. poultry industry is a major player in providing meat products throughout the world. The Center for Scalable and Intelligent Automation in Poultry Processing aims to combine cutting-edge technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence to advance the poultry processing industry and foster more resilient food systems.


Our Goals

The mission of the Center for Scalable and Intelligent Automation in Poultry Processing is to use cutting-edge technologies to provide scalable and intelligent solutions to help the U.S. poultry processing industry meet the rising national and global demand for poultry products.

In the long term, the Center aims to transform the status quo of mass manufacturing protocols in large, centralized processing plants into “mass customization” protocols suitable for processing plants at different scales. The Center believes that large-scale individualization can be achieved economically through the integration of digital and physical systems.

Driven by advanced technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, digital sensing and biosensing, and with a core commitment to food safety, the Center has four main objectives to guide this transformation:

  1. Scalable Poultry Manufacturing:
    The Center will develop intelligent robotic systems capable of deboning poultry with the precision of human workers. Advanced AI algorithms will handle the variability in meat shape and quality, ensuring consistent performance.
  2. Virtual Reality Workforce Transformation:
    To address labor shortages, virtual reality technology will enable remote operation of robots for tasks like meat deboning. This approach would not only diversify the workforce but also has potential to reduce injuries and increase job opportunities in rural locations.
  3. Enhancing Food Quality and Safety:
    Mobile robotic platforms with biosensors will provide data on the presence of bacteria in processing facilities, helping identify contamination risks and driving sanitation decisions. Imaging systems will also be developed to automatically detect foreign objects in meat.
  4. Research and Extension Integration:
    The center aims to create an ecosystem of innovation by bridging the gap between research and practical implementation. Workshops, demonstrations, technical support, and surveys will ensure the industry benefits from the Center’s advancements.

Anticipated Outcomes and Impact

The Center for Scalable and Intelligence Automation in Poultry Processing’s multifaceted approach is set to yield substantial benefits to the industry and consumers alike. The Center’s vision for transformation of the poultry processing industry will lead to robust, scalable and safe manufacturing methods. Virtual reality-enabled remote work will address labor shortages and offer job opportunities. By enhancing food quality and safety, the industry will reduce product recalls and safeguard consumer health. The Center’s efforts are not confined to poultry alone — they pave the way for similar advancements in allied food industries, contributing to global well-being and sustainability.


A Collaborative Effort

The Center’s team is composed of leading institutes including the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, the Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Fort Valley State University, and the USDA-ARS National Poultry Research Center. This group brings together expertise across a wide range of disciplines. With support from key industry stakeholders, including major poultry companies, food manufacturers, and foundations, the Center is poised to drive transformative change in poultry processing.


The Center for Scalable and Intelligent Automation in Poultry Processing would not be possible without the expertise of faculty and staff at our partner institutions.

UADA Logo Color Center
Georgia Tech
Nebraska Lincoln
Fort Valley State University Logo